Watching this dog and pony show has just reminded me once again what a farce I have subscribed to After spending more than any reasonable person could justify to build what I expected to be a reasonably competitive car only to put hundreds of pounds of weight and hours of detuning it to stay “on the porch” I have realized the stupidity of it all.
The lack of AHFS control(the farce) and the fact these guys can go out there and run one and a half seconds under their supposedly carefully calculated index is just laughable. They will go home next week, load the trunk with lead, drain the 3in1 oil out and fill the crankcase with 20-50w. and head to the lanes at their next divisional to play the game of keeping their index from being hit the following week. This has almost nothing to do with innovative tuning, research and development, or chassis science….it’s about playing the ridiculous cat and mouse game with NHRA.
Watching this dog and pony show has just reminded me once again what a farce I have subscribed to After spending more than any reasonable person could justify to build what I expected to be a reasonably competitive car only to put hundreds of pounds of weight and hours of detuning it to stay “on the porch” I have realized the stupidity of it all.
The lack of AHFS control(the farce) and the fact these guys can go out there and run one and a half seconds under their supposedly carefully calculated index is just laughable. They will go home next week, load the trunk with lead, drain the 3in1 oil out and fill the crankcase with 20-50w. and head to the lanes at their next divisional to play the game of keeping their index from being hit the following week. This has almost nothing to do with innovative tuning, research and development, or chassis science….it’s about playing the ridiculous cat and mouse game with NHRA.
So if it bothers me so much why don’t I just turn it loose and run it like the hot rod I planned? No really….tell me why I don’t!
Pardon my whine…..just in a bad mood tonight after seeing a car in my class run .6 tenths faster than my .85 under car…..and this just happened to be the closest platform!!! I probably should stick to Facebook and just go post pictures of my tacos, fake pictures of Trump beating a baby, or play Kandy Krush…..or something other than the tongue lashing that’s surely coming my way from the enlightened masses.
GrapeApe7575 is offline
Watching this dog and pony show has just reminded me once again what a farce I have subscribed to After spending more than any reasonable person could justify to build what I expected to be a reasonably competitive car only to put hundreds of pounds of weight and hours of detuning it to stay “on the porch” I have realized the stupidity of it all.
The lack of AHFS control(the farce) and the fact these guys can go out there and run one and a half seconds under their supposedly carefully calculated index is just laughable. They will go home next week, load the trunk with lead, drain the 3in1 oil out and fill the crankcase with 20-50w. and head to the lanes at their next divisional to play the game of keeping their index from being hit the following week. This has almost nothing to do with innovative tuning, research and development, or chassis science….it’s about playing the ridiculous cat and mouse game with NHRA.